This is some interesting news, Rams fans. As we know, Steven Jackson will miss week 4 against the Cowboys, probably the one game we need him most. Anyway, Action was talking with the media yesterday about the injury and here’s what he had to say:
"“That heavy rain kind of tore up the field,” Jackson said Wednesday. “They had a game there on Saturday (South Florida vs. North Carolina), so it was really muddy and the field was kind of sloppy. … I was slipping throughout the game.”"
Ok, ok, let’s hold up here for a minute. So Jackson thinks the sloppy field at Raymond James Stadium was the reason he partially tore a groin muscle? Well, whatever floats your boat Steven. I didn’t see the play where he injured himself, so I can’t quite be sure if he slipped but this is definitely something I wouldn’t let pass by me if I were a Rams personnel man. I think they should definitely try to enforce some sort of clean up system after the college games or maybe just get another stadium for the college games! That’s another story for another day, as for Jackson’s status:
"“The first week is pretty much resting and trying to make sure that you keep your range of motion,” he said. “It’s just one of those things that takes time, and you just have to let it heal.”"