As giddy as I was after yesterday’s pick of Robert Quinn, I am equally as disappointed in the Rams’ second-round pick of Wisconsin TE Lance Kendricks. It’s not anything against him as a player, but I just don’t understand the rationale behind the selection. WE already have 4 TE’s on the roster, two of whom were taken in last year’s draft. Meanwhile, guys at major need positions like Mikel Leshoure, Stephen Paea, Jurrell Casey, Marvin Austin, Torrey Smith, etc. were all available and would have come in and made an immediate impact. I don’t know what the team plans to do with Kendricks, but I’m pretty sure they could have accomplished it with Illini Mike, Daniel Fells, Billy Bajema, and Fendi Onobun. Again, not to dog on Kendricks, because he is a pretty exciting player at the position, but we had a chance to really fill needs with highly-ranked players in our first two picks and the Rams had a big swing-and-miss here. Here is a highlight video of Kendricks from his time with the Badgers. Hopefully it will make you feel better about the pick.
Round 2: St. Louis Rams Take Lance Kendricks