Today, I heard about Roger Goodell bringing up 18 games again. Most fans last year were saying “No”. Now we’re about to have no season and fans are saying “YES!”. I always wanted 18 games and if it happens I will be very happy. Giving our Rams a better opening season. Only one thing about this 18 games is it another argument for more money? More games and players = $. That’s a major problem that we fans are dealing with. So that’s something that would drag the lockout and free agency. Another big thing is, Is the NFL trying to keep popularity? Think about it. They get paid every minute they are on television. Fox , CBS , ESPN , and other channels pay to put them on TV. Like breaking news on football. I’ve been wondering that for a while and still believing this will be a full season. Only thing could move is the playoffs just a week ahead. If they go two that would hurt this season. Which they already are. Main thing that is questionable is, why are players asking for more when they won’t ever be billionares. You get 60% of the NFL’s income more than 50%. I see kids who will love to be the NFL. Not for the money for the love of the game. Many players say that , but they show it. Like Danny I don’t think he would sign a big contract with the Rams. He has a great relationship with Sam Bradford here and Sam gave him the most chances he could get. So Danny wouldn’t want to destroy that. 18 games could make the NFL season weaker or stronger? Stronger this season in my opinion.
18 Games Better Than Nothing