I know alot of us have been very frustrated with this NFL lockout. I know most of us have held on to a small glimmer of hope and have tried to be pretty positive for the most part. But as this latest news has slowly filtered out that the CBA negotiations are heading south, I think I am getting annoyed and irritated. Part of me is ready to make a stand or at least attempt it and make my soul feel a bit better. I don’t want to neglect Sam and the boys, but come on…how much disrespect are we going to take? We obviously don’t matter nearly as much as the NFL and the Union have claimed. I am tired of being this little loyal puppy dog. How about we start making a 3rd voice heard in all this monkey business. If they knew us fans were going to stand by united and not show up to a game or stop buying merchandise even for a day or two…can you imagine the power in that? After all, we do pay their crazy salaries and allow them to live like kings. We are cool with it when they are giving us those freakin awesome entertaining Sundays from Aug. thru Feb. But they obviously don’t care about us, their desire to get more and more money is of the utmost importance, and they feel we will come back no matter what. I have been corresponding with Brian Frederick, Executive Director of Sports Fans Coalition. Here is more information on them. http://sportsfans.org/about/ Please feel free to contact them. Tell them Darryn Yates of On Tracy Lane and the Ramblin Fan sent you. Let’s support this and spread the word. The Fans Union. I like the sound of this. You can follow me at www.twitter.com/darrynotl For those of you who haven’t read my introduction, I am also the singer of the pop rock band On Tracy Lane. So I will always be throwing in OTL stuff, rock stuff, etc. along with my Rams stuff. Sorry yeah I am a promo whore who loves the Rams with everything I got. Sue me. Call me crazy. Comment all u want. I will try to blog 2 times a week. My next two will be on…well you’ll see. I am excited to get your viewpoints on both upcoming blogs.
The voices of NFL fans need to be heard. Here’s something we can do…