Ok, this is just an observation, but I just went through all of the Rams players and discovered who is most active on Twitter. Ok I am lying I only went through several, but I found an interesting possible trend. Most of the proven players who are for-sure starters or backups are either rarely on Twitter or if they are, its mostly about football stuff for the fans. The others who are on the bubble or who are fighting for a job (aka unproven in the NFL) seem to be on Twitter pretty much all the time. The things they are Tweeting are mostly not related to the Rams or anything close to football. I don’t really care to see a photo of your expensive dinner you are about to eat. I could care less about how bad you wanna be a Ram. Go BE a Ram. Some of these guys can’t spell, they try to be all tough, they are all cocky, and then they describe something about how pretty the trees are where they are driving. Hello? Perhaps you should study the playbook, go practice a bit more, run, or hit the gym. I am not saying they shouldn’t be on Twitter, Facebook, or whatever else they are completely free to do in their spare time. I am just saying that playing football in the NFL is a mindset, an attitude, a way of thinking. ESPECIALLY right now as you try to make the team and get ready for the Philadelphia “dream team” Eagles in 2 weeks. They make the cut to 80 in a few days and then to 53 soon after. Are some of the Rams players lack of focus caused by Twitter? Or perhaps they were never really cut out for the 2011 Rams team in the 1st place and they were going to get distracted by a bug flying by? Maybe it does tell us how focused you are or aren’t. For example, Sam Bradford’s (if this is even his page and he is even on Twitter at all) last tweet? Over a year ago talking about going to sleep to get ready for practice. Right on Sam. Thank God we went 1-15 in 2009 so we could get you to lead this team. Add me on Twitter @DarrynOTL
Rams players distracted by Twitter? What do u think…