Rams-Redskins Predictions


On occasion the fine people over at STLToday.com gather together for a discussion on the Rams and their upcoming game. This week, the panel made their predictions for Sunday’s battle with the Washington Redskins, and the group was not only unanimous in picking the Rams, but they also all produced nearly identical final scores. Jim Thomas, Jeff Gordon and Kathleen Nelson all predicted 24-17 Rams wins, while Joe Lyons sees it as a 20-17 Rams victory.

All four writers gave support for their picks, with all of them pretty much saying that the Rams need this win and most of them tossing in that Steven Jackson’s presence could make the difference. I have to say that I’m in the same boat. And actually, I think the 24-17 score is probably pretty close to what I would predict. I might go a little lower on both ends after watching the Redskins last Monday and the Rams all season, but I think the Rams are going to have to make some big plays on either defense or special teams to pull it out, so that should push the score up a bit.

What say you? Feel free to jump into the conversation down in the comments section with your predictions for the game, and feel free to say as much or as little as you want in support of your pick.