What Are Bradford’s Chances Of Playing This Week?


I was reading over Rams beat writer Jim Thomas’ chat tonight like I do every Tuesday, and the vast majority of it was Rams fans venting on how bad this team is and how Stan Kroenke needs to clean house after the season is over. You know, the normal stuff. But then I came upon something I found to be very interesting. When asked what the chances are that quarterback Sam Bradford is able to play this week, Thomas said he believes there is only a 25% chance Bradford is able to go against the Saints. I was under the impression that he was close to being able to play last week, so the fact that the percentage is at 25 on Tuesday of this week is extremely disappointing. For those of you wondering, Thomas put Mark Clayton’s chances of playing at 50/50, so let’s hope he is able to get out there.

As far as Bradford goes, I can’t believe there is only a 25% chance he plays. I know ankle injuries are hard to predict, and it’s still early in the week, but this is very disappointing. I’ve heard some grumblings that certain people in the media believe Bradford should have played last week, but it’s always hard to tell how much these people actually know about the specific injury. I’m not overly concerned about last week because he was coming off the injury a week earlier, and I guess there’s nothing we can do about his status for this week.

According to the coaching staff, they are doing everything possible to get him ready to play. I believe that, too. They have thrown pretty much every type of rehab at that ankle that is available to them, so I can’t fault the staff. Knowing Bradford’s personality, I imagine he is pestering the coaches every day to let him do more. So, I guess we will just have to wait and see. There’s really nothing else we can do, about Bradford or about the rest of the team.