Bradford Likely Out For Sunday


Bad news from Rams Park on Wednesday, as quarterback Sam Bradford was back in a walking boot and is expected to miss Sunday’s game against the Bengals after a setback with his ankle injury. Assuming Bradford is out, it looks like recent addition Kellen Clemens will get the start.

There’s no question that this is disappointing, but honestly I think I prefer Bradford sitting out if the ankle is not in good shape. The Rams aren’t playing for anything other than pride, and there’s no reason to risk serious injury that could affect next season. Bradford is too important to this franchise to have him completely blow out a knee or something because he can’t move in the pocket. We all want to see him play, but the right move is to sit right now, especially considering the team is on a short week after the Monday night game.

The rest of the list of inactives is long, but that doesn’t mean all of these guys will be unavailable Sunday. The list includes Craig Dahl, A.J. Feeley, Josh Gordy, James Hall, Mark LeVoir, Chris Long, Eugene Sims, and Stephen Spach. Feeley is expected to be out, and Chris Long is still very sore. I expect Long to play as he has the last few weeks, but it sounds like the ankle is becoming a problem.