Kroenke Meets With Fisher


If there was any question about how serious the Rams are in bringing in Jeff Fisher as their new head coach, they were answered on Thursday. Rams owner Stan Kroenke met with Fisher in Denver for a good part of the day with Fisher reportedly leaving sometime Thursday night.

I love how Kroenke wasted no time in getting this meeting set up, especially since Miami already interviewed the coach earlier this week. The report is that the two sides met in Denver to avoid the media circus that would have happened here, and I think that was a good move as well. Fisher is more of an old-school kind of guy, and after the Dolphins really made a spectacle of his interview, a more low-key approach might be the right way to go.

I have a feeling that when all is said and done, however, Fisher’s decision is going to come down to which situation he thinks is the best for him. The money is likely going to be similar, and both teams are certainly in need of a fresh start. Fisher wants to win and he wants to be in it for the long haul with whatever franchise he chooses. I still think our ownership and the pieces we have in place are better than anything he will find in Miami, but I guess we will find out when Fisher combs his mustache, slicks back his hair and steps in front of the camera with his new owner. Let’s hope that guy standing next to him is Stan.