The St. Louis Rams might be in a bit of a bind with the recent, shocking news coming from Chris Long’s officially Twitter feed. According to Long, he has been mulling over the prospects of returning to the game of football or following his heart to greener pastures. Instead of summarized the Tweets, here they are so you can interpret for yourself…
The news might be devastating for the St. Louis Rams; a team who seemed to be “sured-up” on the defensive line, especially after the re-signing of William Hayes. While there is no official report from the team about how they will handle the situation, Long seems to be milking the organization of its resources before shoving off to Costa Rica in the peace corps…
How will the St. Louis Rams replace such a valuable player in the organization, one that was supposed to be a cornerstone into the foreseeable future? At this point, your guess is as good as ours. Regardless, the announcement comes with poor timing, only a couple of weeks away from the kickoff of the 2013 NFL Draft. The real question remains, why would he wait until the first day of April to… oh, wait!
UPDATE (1:53PM CT): Apparently, Chris Long’s application for the peace corps has been rejected and he will be staying in St. Louis into the foreseeable future. Looks like the Rams really dodged a bullet on that one…