Earlier this month I communicated with gogobot.com for an article to build a highly credible and useful visual aid for tailgaters this 2013-fall season. Other members of the fansided nework also contributed to the article. For the article I was asked three things:
1) What is your favorite beer to tailgate with?
2) What is your favorite dish to either bring to, or eat at, a tailgate?
3) What is your favorite tailgating ritual?
We would also love for you guys the readers to get involved and let us know what your tailgating traditions are or any crazy tailgating stories you might have. Feel free to share in the comment section below. Here is a preview of the guide:
Where to go and what to eat, drink, and play when you get there.
Men, women and children congregate in parking lots across the country, enemies clink beer cans as they toss small bags of corn through a hole, munching bratwurst, potato salad, steaks, and the odd carrot or slice of watermelon. For the uninitiated, a bizarre anthropological ritual. But for millions of Americans across the country, living in red states, blue states, north, south, east and west, this is one of the year’s best parties. It’s tailgating, the All-American practice of partying before a big game. Football, both college and NFL, is far and away the most popular tailgating sport, but tailgating has caught on with basketball and other games, and even, in recent years, some weddings….
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