St. Louis Rams Give SuperHero Illustrations In New “Defend Our Turf” Campaign

Over the past decade the St. Louis Rams haven’t necessarily been known as a team who protects their home field. Take away the last two years in which the Rams have gone .500 or better at home, and the Rams have gone 7-25 at home since 2007. The Rams have nine wins at home over the past two seasons.

The last time the Rams went undefeated at home in the regular season was 2003, and have only accumulated two winning records at home since then, once in 2004 and then last season. To put that in perspective, the Rams have had four seasons since the undefeated year in 2003 in which they picked up one win or less at home.

However, after the years of struggling and picking up top five pick after top five pick, the St. Louis Rams are finally becoming a respectable team and stress how important it is to win at home. Jeff Fisher’s teams have  always difficult to play on their home field and he has certainly brought that to the Rams.

It has been a slow process, but slowly the fans are coming up and actual Rams fans are beginning to fill the dome. If this team can continue to win the attendance should increase even more than it already has.  To build that excitement over the past two years the St. Louis Rams have had marketing campaigns for the fans.

Last season it was #FillTheDome for the home opener and then fans at the game received simple items such as a Jeff Fisher Mustache or player bobble head. This season the Rams are back at it again in their “Defend Our Turf” campaign. The Rams have given super hero illustrations to seven of the team’s players and have made advertisements for four of them. Here are your St. Louis Rams super heroes.

Zac Stacy- “The Wrecking Ball”

“It’s not just a stadium where shows of greatness take place…Where we all feel the impact when Zac Stacy crushes through like a wrecking ball…”

Sam Bradford- “The Captain”

“It’s not just a stadium where shows of greatness take place. It’s where we stand together as one when Sam Bradford takes command and scores

Chris Long- “The Beast”

“On game day, Chris Long is a beast, and so am I!”

Robert Quinn- “The Machine”

“The sack machine activates on game day, and so do I”

To view the “Defend Our Turf” videos and download the official poster click here! If this doesn’t get you excited for game day, I don’t know what will. Go Rams!
