St. Louis Rams Criticized For Ferguson Gesture


In Sunday’s game against the Oakland Raiders the St. Louis Rams invited business owners from the Ferguson area to the game on Sunday.  In order to show support of the recent events that have happened in Ferguson, Missouri,  Chris Givens, Jared Cook, Tavon Austin, Stedman Bailey, and Kenny Britt entered the field with their hands raised in the familiar “Hands up, don’t shoot” mode of Ferguson protesters.

However, that has touched a nerve with the Ferguson police who aren’t happy at all about the situation. The officers said they would demand a “very public apology” from the Rams and the NFL today.  A statement by local officer said:

"“The St. Louis Police Officers Association is profoundly disappointed with the members of the St. Louis Rams football team who chose to ignore the mountains of evidence released from the St. Louis County Grand Jury this week and engage in a display that police officers around the nation found tasteless, offensive and inflammatory … It is unthinkable that hometown athletes would so publicly perpetuate a narrative that has been disproven over and over again.”"

Forensics tests of Michael didn’t support the claim that Brown held his hands up. After the game Britt, said the players weren’t taking sides, “We just wanted to let the community know we support them.”

It didnt stop there for Britt however. After the game, Rams wide receiver Kenny Britt posted a photo on social media that showed his wrist tape that he wore for the game. The tape on Kenny Britt’s right wrist read “Mike Brown” and his left wrist read “My Kids Matter.”

In what is a very controversial and historical moment in United States history, whether or not they meant it, Bailey, Austin, Britt, Cook, and Givens have offended some people after their pregame gesture.

After the game Jeff Fisher said that he was unaware of what had happened and didnt know what had gone on which means that this was not planned by team. The St. Louis Police Association is demanding an apology from both the Rams and the NFL and that the players be punished for their “tasteless” act.