Over 30 straight days in the hospital, Los Angeles Rams Fan Phoenix Murillo with stage four liver cancer is finally coming home!
In five and a half years, Phoenix has triumphed over more pain and adversity than most could imagine in a lifetime. It’s incredible to think of the amount of strength and power coming from this young rams fan. Phoenix was born with kidney failure at the time of birth and the doctors expected the worse to come for the Murillo family.
However Phoenix was not going to give up one bit. At two weeks old, he had both of his kidneys removed from him, and kept getting stronger. After the surgery he underwent dialysis three-four days a week for the next three and a half years. Dialysis is a procedure that is a substitute for many of the normal functions of the kidneys. Dialysis allows patients with kidney failure a chance to live productive lives.
It would take about 10 months in the hospital before he was healthy enough to go home for the first time. With being taken care of at home, Phoenix was ready to receive a kidney transplant from his father George at three and a half years old. Things were starting to look up for the Murillo family.
After a successful transplant, the Los Angeles fan was on the road to a better life. Unfortunately tragedy would strike after his 5th birthday. Phoenix was diagnosed with stage four liver cancer which would attach to his lungs. He is in fact the only five-year old to ever be diagnosed with his type of cancer. The doctors were put in a very tough situation on what to do next to save the rams fan life.
Phoenix would undergo chemotherapy for the next six months, until his tumor on his liver was able to be performed on. Thankfully this month, his chemotherapy would work and his tumor would decrease in size. In February Phoenix would have surgery to remove the tumor from his liver. After complications and another hospital visit, he was on another long road to recovery.
On his road to recovery, Phoenix had one goal in mind and that was to see his Rams finally play in Los Angeles. Thankfully the Rams brought the party to him on February 22nd. Phoenix was in his hospital bed at Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA when former Rams running back Eric Dickerson and Rams mascot “Rampage” dropped in to cheer him up and bring a few gifts.
During the meeting, Phoenix was surrounded by autographed footballs, pictures and T-shirts. Phoenix had the biggest smile on his face. Dickerson went on and talked about how he wants this family to hear good news soon.
"“You stay here a lot of nights just praying and hoping that something will change in their life and they may get better,” Dickerson said."
Life was getting better for Phoenix, and exactly 14 days after his special visit from the legendary Rams running back, he would get some great news. Phoenix Murillo is finally leaving the hospital and coming back home. According via Facebook, his father George posted a photo of Phoenix with the caption “After being in the hospital over 30 straight days in the hospital we finally get to go home..
I had the privilege of talking to Phoenix’s father about coming back home.
“After countless days in the hospital, how good does it feel to finally bring Phoenix back home’?
"Their are no words to describe the feeling of being able to bring our boy home. All I know is that it is the greatest. Our boy is our life and all we want is to see our boy play and grow just like any other. It’s a terrible feeling not knowing if their would be a tomorrow as a family. – George"
“A lot of Rams fans came to the aid of Phoenix, even Eric Dickerson, how much does it mean to have the whole Rams community support #TeamPhoenix?
"It’s been a blessing to be apart of the Ramily. They are not only friends but have become like family to us. Everyday they have shown so much love and support. Phoenix is one very loved Rams fan. We were also very thankful to have Eric Dickerson along with Rsmpage and others take the time to visit Phoenix and shower him with gifts. It was an honor to have met the greatest of all time. Eric is one amazing humble person with a great heart. We have so much love for the Rams community. A big thank you to Joseph Verdugo for making all of this possible"
We love you Phoenix and hope to see you at the LA Coliseum very soon. Go Rams!