It wasn’t that long ago that Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Stedman Bailey was fighting for his life in a hospital. Two days before Thanksgiving, Bailey was shot in the head not once, but twice, and somehow lived to tell the tale. Bailey has come a long way to where he is right now in his health, but is he ready to play in the NFL? Bailey tweeted out the hashtag #SteddyAmbition to prove everybody he is making a comeback. He’s hungry to get back on the field
However with the gun shot wounds in the head, it may be a problem for Bailey as concussions could cause him even more damage. In the following video below, Bailey for the first time breaks the silence and talks about the day of the shooting. He also talks about his relationship with his son, and what he has to do to play with the Rams again. Watch “Steddy Ambition”: Stedman Bailey’s Journey Back to the NFL Below.
Next: He is physically and mentally ready,