Combine Schedule
The National Combine is not one huge event. Rather, the national combine is host to a series of lanes designed to feature similar football positions. The event can process up to 335 players in a week. With so many statistics, measurements, and competitions, Events happen very rapidly and simultaneously.
The week long process actually begins on February 23. While the combine actually segregates positions into 11 different batches, the published schedule treats each position batch combined into one group only. For example, Group one includes all quarterbacks, tight ends, and wide receivers. Testing will combine players of a similar position for testing, and then the next squad of players for the next position will test, and so on.
Once there, each Group will engage in a six-day schedule:
Day 1 – Registration ~ Orientation ~ Interviews
Day 2 – Measurements ~ Hospital pre-exam & X-rays ~ Interviews
Day 3 – Media ~ Medical Examinations ~ Position coach interviews ~ Psychological Testing
Day 4 – NFLPA Meeting ~ Bench press ~ Interviews ~ Psychological Testing
Day 5 – Limited testing~ Interviews ~ On-field Workout
Day 6 – Departure