Amidst the reality of COVID-19, what happens if LA Rams players test positive during the 2020 NFL season?
As MLB, NBA, NHL, and NASCAR sports had, are, and will redesign their sports to remain compliant with all applicable regulations that have been erected to slow down the spread of the coronavirus pandemic around the globe. Those plans have had limited success in doing so. While there have not been reports of entire team rosters who have contracted the dangerous disease, reports continue to stream in of players and team staff contracting the disease.
Why is that so significant? There is no cure. Period. No cure translated means that there is no way to accelerate a return to health. Right now that is not an option. So the only means we have to overcome contracting the disease is to treat symptoms, isolate the patient, and allow it to run its course. And as of now, there are various “paths” for how the disease affects infected persons.
COVID-19 tracks
Asymptomatic– no visible signs of the disease. However, you can still infect others. So the rule now is 10 days after a positive test. If no signs develop, a healthcare worker will determine if you may resume activities.
Manageable symptoms – symptoms appear similar to those of a cold or flu. Self-quarantine is simply step-one, with plenty of rest, water, Tylenol, or similar pain medication to ease aches and fever. Maintain a distance of six-feet from others at all times. Follow the care plan determined by your health care provider.
If symptoms do not get worse, you will eventually resume activities. However, if symptoms do become severe, you should reach out to your health care provider. Severe symptoms include being unable to consume liquids and food, experiencing excessive light-headedness. If this occurs, you may need hospitalization to recover.