The LA Rams did a pretty quick about-face in their support of young quarterback Jared Goff. After the 2018 season, one that ended with a Super Bowl defeat at the hands of the New England Patriots, he was given every complimentary term applied to an NFL quarterback. Two years later, the LA Rams couldn’t wait to get rid of him.
A pretty drastic change of heart, eh? Drastic, and unexplained.
Well, I don’t always do well with ‘unexplained’ events. After all that is said and done, the LA Rams have done so well so quickly because the team has sterilized the emotional components of their decision-making process. The team has found a way to link production, compensation, and decisions about the roster in such a way that the results tend towards being correct, if not all-out heartless.
Sometimes it’s just too complex. Breakups are like that. After five years of a very emotionally charged relationship, moving on from Goff was very much like a breakup. It was a relationship all the way down to the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ verbiage that soon followed out of the mouth of head coach Sean McVay.
In the end, it’s best to just conclude that there was no good guy/bad guy in all of this.
They are only and simply a team and a talented player on different tracks and paces to success. Time will judge more correctly which version was more capable of getting to the ultimate goal of winning the Super Bowl. But we can highlight some of the reasons why the LA Rams felt that now was the time to unhitch their train from Goff’s engine. Here are three reasons that stand out.