The LA Rams offered no apologies for their offseason efforts to restock the team. Of course, that doesn’t mean that the direction the team took didn’t result in a lot of head-scratching. The expectations of offseason moves did not come anywhere close to the actual choices. In the end, the Rams’ overarching theme for their offseason strategy appeared to focus upon improving the overall athleticism of the roster, As a secondary objective, the LA Rams appeared to be very vigilant about finding players who could contribute on special teams.
What has not been discussed is how the addition of rookies to the 2021 roster may impact players who are returning from the 2020 53-man roster. In fact, the offseason additions create a risk to several players who many expected to have a larger role this year. If your ticket to the LA Rams 2021 NFL roster for a returning veteran was a ride on the special team unit, your path just became quite crowded.
So it goes in the NFL, which is often referred to as Not-For-Long for good reason. It’s constant competition. While that can seem quite nerve-wracking, it ensures that the team has the best 53-man roster possible (at least in the perspective of the team’s coaches).
Now, keep in mind that 2020 was not typical. The LA Rams, just as all 31 other NFL teams, did not have the time to sort through what the 2020 NFL Draft or the players signed after the draft held as potential players to develop. That offseason’s entire energy and time focused upon preparing starters to play an NFL regulation game in a matter of days. For the other players looking to earn a roster spot or factor in with a larger role? Sorry.
Now with the influx of new athletically gifted rookies, all seeking a similar opportunity, and in a year with a full offseason itinerary to evaluate and assess everyone’s potential, suddenly 2020 additions, and even veterans seeking a rebound, are on the bubble. Who are these seven surprise bubble riders? Let’s dive right in, shall we?