How good is the NFL’s NFC West Division in 2021? While many believe that the LA Rams are improved, even those are predicting the Rams’ path to the Super Bowl will take the same route as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. A wild card route of packing the suitcase for three playoff games, before turning the plane for their home in Los Angeles in order to compete in the NFL Championship game at home.
For the arguably toughest division in the NFL in 2021? Perhaps. There is no argument that the LA Rams do compete in a very challenging NFL Division, perhaps the toughest division in the league against the Arizona Cardinals, Seattle Seahawks, and San Francisco 49ers from the NFC West. So there are many opinions that currently litter the landscape, with each team in the west having its fair share of supporters and reasons why they are destined to claim the NFC West title this year.
Any pre-season poll that poses a victor of the NFC West Division is going to get our attention, sure. Any prediction that plunges the LA Rams to either a third or fourth-place finish in this division is going to raise the hairs on the back of our neck. But any prediction that justifies the LA Rams sudden precipitous drop to third place in the NFC West by claiming that the LA Rams defense has 10 new starters?
Well, I have to agree with the video host Jake Ellenbogen (you can follow him on Twitter at @JKBOGEN) in concluding that former NFL WR Keyshawn Johnson may be suffering from a severe concussion. After all, it’s not what he said, but the reasons used to justify the sleight. Well, we’ll get into that soon enough. For now, if you don’t know who Keyshawn Johnson Is, some introductions are in order.