The man, the myth, and the legend
If you want to dive into what should happen medically regarding the medical procedure to repair Cam Akers, with a bit of mythology and medical protocols, then you would be well-served to head on over to check out the article that Jay Blucher authored about the Achilles Tendon and NFL players. In his discussion, he does a nice overview of what Akers is facing, despite not having the specific details of Akers’ case.
Los Angeles Rams
Hopefully, the worst of the medical intervention process is over. The surgeon has opted to employ the least invasive/most effective surgical technique to reconnect both ends of the Achilles tendon and secured the tendon in place. Regardless of the surgical technique, swelling and pain may occur, as well as fatigue and numbness at the injury site.
After surgery, the joint is immobilized for 6-12 weeks. Initially, the foot and ankle cannot bear weight. Over time, Cam Akers will be refitted with a walking boot that allows for some mobility and partial weight-bearing. Depending on his progress, he will eventually have use of his foot and ankle. Now, that is when the tough work kicks in. After he is cleared by his doctor, Cam Akers will need to begin the grueling task of restoring his injured ankle’s strength, mobility, and function.
So let’s review what happened. How will this impact Fantasy Football owners, and how will that translate into the 2021 NFL season in terms of the rushing attack:
Okay. Out for the season before training camp even started. That’s a bit of information that you already likely know. Now, let’s dive into a bit more.