To be or not to be
After he fell in a knee injury, LA Rams center Brian Allen faced the harsh reality of perhaps never playing football again. That is a hard issue to face at 23 years of age, and with a knee that was blown apart. He tore his MCL at both ends, a serious Meniscus tear, and even a fracture at the top of the Tibia. The biggest surprise in the video below (approximately the 2:15 mark) is the epiphany that the injuries occurred on back-to-back plays.
He injured his knee and kept on playing into the second quarter. With the first play, his knee was injured severely, so severely that he was carted off the field. He would not return to the football field for nearly two years.
It’s hard to determine what injury occurred on which play. But the severity of the injuries suffered during those two plays would become a huge ordeal to recover from.
He is coming off that series of injuries that required nearly two full seasons to recover from, 660 days to be exact. All that time, he had to face a constant stream of criticism and trolling from social media accounts. It’s a game about people that so many forget sometimes. Brian Allen suffered a devastating injury on the football field. But perhaps the deeper wounds were the callous and thoughtless remarks shared on social media by fans. Almost no one spared one thought about Brian Allen.
The Rams organization, and the coaching staff, never stopped believing in him. At this point in his career, the fans never did.