Guest II: Amazon NFL Analyst Andrew Whitworth
Some NFL celebrities have a schtick of being generous with their time and energy, but the generosity of former LA Rams offensive tackle Andrew Whitworth is baked into his genetics. He is someone who does not give of himself to get his name in the papers nor to earn any personal accolades. That is not what he is about.
He gives because he recognizes that without his help, doors won’t open, opportunities won’t be created, and lives will never be changed. Former LA Rams offensive lineman Andrew Whitworth has been blessed with the position and resources to help make a difference in the lives of others, and willingly takes up that yolk.
But my reason for having Big Whit at my Thanksgiving table is a bit selfish and menial. You see, I would love to be at a dinner table and within earshot of listening in on the conversations between Coach Henny, and his take on the defensive side of the football, with Big Whit, and his take on the offensive side of the football.
I could only imagine how much more I might learn from that one conversation than weeks of studying videos and reading articles about the Xs and Os of the NFL. And what a great time to hear the hilarious stories that both could share.
Andrew Whitworth is a natural speaker, a commentator who is as comfortable with the microphone in his hand as he is with his hand in the dirt. So who wouldn’t want to listen to the treasure trove of stories about his life in the NFL? But on Thanksgiving, it’s also about having people who are truly thankful, and Big Whit is that guy.