8 winners and 4 losers in the Rams Week 14 win over the Bills

The Rams must pack up their euphoria and get back to business in Week 15
Buffalo Bills Sean McDermott, v Los Angeles Rams Sean McVay
Buffalo Bills Sean McDermott, v Los Angeles Rams Sean McVay | Katelyn Mulcahy/GettyImages
5 of 10

Loser 4: K Joshua Karty

No, rookie placekicker Joshua Karty is not on this list for the failed extra point attempt. But if you back up the clock to the missed extra point, that was on a bad snap and hold. And when you review the final stats for the game, you see that Karty kicked a field goal and five of six extra points. The Rams won the game by two points, so it seems that field goal less one missed extra point was the margin of victory.

But fans insist on focusing on that one missed extra point.

Karty is not a superstar. But he is not the worst rookie the NFL has ever witnessed at placekicker either. Still not convinced? We broke down some kickers who Rams fans are familiar with and their respective rookie seasons in a previous article. So how does Karty compare after Week 14?

  • K Matt Gay FGM 27 of 35 (77.1%) | Xpt 43 of 48 (89.6%)
  • K Greg Zuerlein FGM 23 of 32 (74.2%) | Xpt 26 of 26 (100%)
  • K Joshua Karty - FGM 17 of 22 (77.3%) | Xpt 29 of 32 (90.6%)
  • 49ers K Jake Moody FGM 21 of 25 (84%) | Xpt 60 of 61 (98.4%)
  • 2024 Ravens K Justin Tucker - FGM 16 of 22 (72.7%) | Xpt 38 of 39 (92.9%)

Where do you identify an outlier? The problem is not Karty, nor with ST Coordinator Chase Blackburn. The problem lies in inflated expectations from fans. And it could be quite likely that the fans who are the loudest on social media and comments sections are the same fans who were just as loud demanding the Rams draft a rookie kicker.

Be careful what you wish for, because you just may get it. Rookie placekicker Joshua Karty is having a typical and predictable NFL rookie season. Be patient. He is going to be an excellent field goal kicker in the future.
