The LA Rams may have been a defending Super Bowl champion in 2022, but the team did not show much dominance throughout the course of the season. Of course, we can attribute the cause and effect of almost every bit of adversity to the fact that the team was fighting an unrelenting wave of injuries that began long before the 2022 NFL season ever did.
The Rams were forced out of necessity to try new things, solutions that were way outside of the box, just to get through the 2022 NFL season. But there were many attempts to improve the roster, to upgrade the level of play, to give the Rams team a greater chance of success in 2022, that simply never gained any traction. The challenge is that the season was so ravaged by an array of bad luck and unfortunate circumstances, that its truly challenging to sort through what didn't work versus what couldn't work.
And so, the effort to improve for the 2023 season is to reexamine the 2022 initiatives and, while the team rummages through those collections of plans that failed to help improve the team, determine which of that group has enough merit to try again, and which from that group is simply best left to fade away in the sunset. But let's be quite clear, it won't be easy, as the season outcomes have already caused some to dig in their heels and rule anything associated with last season as an uttter failure that needs to be cast aside.
How much did coaching play in the LA Rams struggles?
If you trust the LA Rams organization as much as I do, then it's quite clear that the team believes strongly that the challenges experienced during the 2022 NFL season were amplified by the coaches who were on the staff. That was quite apparent from the offensive side of the football, as the team parted ways with many of the team's positional coaches.
But it's a new season, and one that can elevate the play of the Rams from 5-12 to 12-5 just as quickly as the team plummeted from 12-5 to 5-12. The problem remains that the Rams need to remain healthy, the team must have a better strategy, and when things start to go awry, like they always do, then the Rams must be able to diagnose and counterpunch much more effectively at halftime.
But along the way, can the LA Rams salvage anything from the 2022 NFL season? Quite a lot actually. Not all disappointments from 2022 were related to a lack of talent. And with the way that the team had purged many positional coaches, it's safe to assume that the lack of production may have been linked on more than one occasion to a lack of preparation. So who will recover on the Rams roster in 2023? Here are six who deserve a second chance.