Working long hours at the office, shop, store, or site is a chapter in the life of many young people. Employment is a significant use of time for someone who has completed school and has time to kill in a productive and hopefully profitable activity. And so it has been for LA Rams head coach Sean McVay, who happens to be the youngest head coach in the NFL to win a Super Bowl.
McVay had time to spare, and his role as head coach of the LA Rams football team was always there to consume all the time he could devote to the job. When he wasn't in the office, he was thinking about what he had to do when he got to the office. But the times, are a'changing, and the life and world that Coach McVay has known up to this point in time is about to change drastically. Why?
Mr. and Mrs. McVay are expecting a baby boy:
So what? Well, if you have to ask that question, you have either not been blessed with a newborn, or if you were blessed with a baby, you were so detached from caring for the infant that your life did not change. So let me help explain how a newborn baby changes everything for a young couple.
Parenthood changes . . . well, everything
The first and perhaps most traumatic changes is the upheaval to one's daily routine. Everything from sleep to meals to downtime are no longer self-determined. They are dependant upon the schedule of their new child. Sleeping is the most at risk, as a newborn takes a lot of patience to establish a sleeping schedule that works. But feedings, changing diapers, and even one-on-one time with a baby is entirely controlled by that baby's timetable.
Perhaps the greatest changes in a new parent's life is that appreciation of no longer having a stage where they are the star of the show. Suddenly, the newborn baby takes center stage. It's that realization that each of us is not the sole purpose of our life, but that we are all links in the chain of life that extended in both past and future directions beyond us.
The LA Rams could not have timed a 'refurbish,' of the team's roster any better. All of the rules that apply to parenthood apply to the way Coach McVay must now coach his team. Patience is a must. Demands are ineffective, and should give way to encouraging growth and positive development. There is no compromise option over the necessity to find humor in everything. Laughter must come in loud and long doses.
Every young player on the LA Rams roster is eager to learn, to grow, to succeed. Not all will realize that dream. But it will be up to Coach Mcvay to provide each player an equal opportunity to realize that dream.
Yes, there are plenty of changes in store for Sean McVay this year. Funny thing though, by the time his infant son arrives, he may already be a seasoned veteran at the new skills required to be a father.