Rams ROI in these two rookies will pay out a sensational jackpot in 2024

NFL Combine, Braden Fiske, Jared Verse
NFL Combine, Braden Fiske, Jared Verse / Kara Durrette/GettyImages
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Why did the Rams settle on this Florida State duo for the draft?

The Rams front office realized that they had a much better chance of restocking the defense if they aimed at two players who already had developed chemistry on the same defensive front. The team had already witnessed how effectively the rookie duo of OLB Byron Young and NT Kobie Turner paired up from the 2023 NFL Draft. They synergy of that duo elevated the performance of both. In essence, the 77th overall and 89th overall picks in the 2023 outperformed, outhustled, and outclassed every other rookie from the class of 2023.

And the powers that be noticed intently.

Of course, The Athletic's Jourdan Rodrigue was afforded unique access to the team's scouting department, front office personnel, and behind the scenes strategic meetings. and she was able to describe the workings of how the Rams arrived at a decision to add both Jared Verse and Braden Fiske to this defense:

Still, let's not ignore the random nature of any NFL Draft. Even as the Rams determined that they would aim at drafting both Verse and Fiske, the 2024 NFL Draft board had to fall just so to allow that to happen.